Travel Information

Travel to Monte Verità

1. Recommended airport: Zurich

We recommend to fly to Zurich and continue your journey by train to Locarno and from there by shuttle bus to Monte Verità. In order to be able to attend the opening of the conference, you ideally land in the morning of 12 June in Zurich.
Other airports in the region

2. Train from Airport Zurich to Locarno:

Train travel from Zurich Airport and Milano Airport to external pageLocarno takes around 2.5 to 3 hours. Advance booking of train tickets within Switzerland is possible but not obligatory. It is also possible to purchase your train ticket at the airport.
external pageTrain schedule (search for trains from Zurich Airport to Locarno)

3. Shuttle Bus from Locarno to the conference centre Monte Verità:

Shuttle Service will be available from the train station in Locarno to the conference centre on Wednesday June 12, with the following departure times:

11.35 – 12.15 – 12.55 – 13.35 – 14.35 – 15.35

The bus will work on first-come-first serves basis and cannot be reserved in advance. The meeting point is on the right side of the train platforms in Locarno: Look for a white bus with a Monte Verità Logo. 

Alternatively, you can reach Monte Verità from the train station in Locarno by taxi (15 minute ride). 

Monte Verità shuttle bus sign at the train station in Locarno

Monte Verità shuttle bus sign is posted at the railway station in Locarno.

Monte Verità Shuttle Bus

Monte Verità Shuttle Bus

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